Thursday, February 4, 2010

Slow Week... least for blogging.

Sorry, folks...I haven't even had a chance to catch up on my blog reading let alone writing.

Of course, tomorrow's my day off so I'm sure I'll be throwing up a post or three. I have completed a read-through-and-a-half of Hackmaster Basic, and I've got some notes for my review post. It's tough because there's so MUCH to discuss: the good, the bad, and the really, really ugly. I will probably need to break it up into a two or three part post...but I know, I know, you folks will believe it when you see it. Tomorrow, no later, I swear.

(O Fickle Readers! I even lost a follower this week dammit!)

There is other RPG news on my front as well, but I'll get to that later as well. Hope everyone's been having a good one! For my part, the rain's been back in full force up in the Pac NW and my post-apocalyptic itch has stopped itching...other things, they are a-rising!

Later, gators...

1 comment:

  1. (O Fickle Readers! I even lost a follower this week dammit!)

    Never fear, I've joined your legion of followers! :)
