continued from here; getting close to the end, now!]
As determined waaaay back in
Personal Data, your character will be somewhere between the age of 16 and 21. For each year of your adult life (i.e. starting with age 16) you may choose
one of the following three options:
- Roll D6 and distribute that number of points among those skills already possessed. Remember that a combat trained character possesses all weapon skills, but most of these probably have a score of "0." No skill may be raised above 15 with this additional training.
- Add one (1) to any single personality trait, passion, or skill. This point may increase the value above 15, though no more than 19 (in the case of traits) or 20 (in the case of skills). If the skill is a non-combat skill, it may not be raised above a character's INT score.
- Add one (1) point to any single statistic. This may not take a stat over its culture adjusted maximum. SIZ may not be increased after age 21. STR, DEX, CON, and APP may not me increased after age 35.
1. Starting Glory
Your character's starting Glory is determined by rolling 1D6 for every year of your adult life, beginning at age 16 (so your starting character will roll from 1D6 to 6D6 to determine starting Glory). You also inherit 10% of your parents' Glory (5% if your character is a bastard), but this will be determined in a subsequent section. However, you can add the following bonuses immediately, if they apply:
Character is a bastard that was legitimized: add +100 Glory
Character's father "took the Black:" add +100 Glory
Character is Targaryen: add +150 Glory
Valyrian daggers don't break. |
2. Luck Benefits
Your character is allowed to roll once on the Luck table. If your father was a Minor House lord, you may roll twice on the Luck table; if your father was a Great House lord, you may roll thrice.
Roll D20: Lucky Result
Cultural Gift;
See Below
2: Extra Money: +2D6x10 silver stags
3: Extra Money: +D3 gold dragons
4: Extra Money: +D6 gold dragons
5: Famous Mother: add +100 Glory
6: Father Died Gloriously: add +100 Glory
7-8: Heirloom: Beautiful Jewelry (worth D6 gold dragons)
9: Heirloom: Opulent Clothing (+1 APP when worn, worth D3 gold dragons)
10: Heirloom: Valyrian Steel Blade* (+2 to weapon skill when used; doesn't break)
11: Horseflesh (one extra horse of your choice)
12: Magic Potion (roll D6): 1-2 healing, 3-4 salve, 5-6 love
13: Mythic Ancestor from
Age of Heroes: +200 Glory
14: Royal Lineage**: +150 Glory
15: Sailing Ship (part owner)
16: Strange Faith: may choose different religion from home culture
Trained as Maester: add D6 years to age. For every year, add an additional D6 skill points to any non-combat skill (no restriction).
18-19: Upgrade Outfit*** (one step improvement; see
Step 3 below)
20: Roll Twice More
*Targaryens or lords only (Minor or Great House); all others re-roll this result.
**Targaryens re-roll this result.
***Crannogmen and Mountain Clan treat this result as "Cultural Gift." Sellswords get Outfit #1. Ironborn of the Iron Islands treat this as "sailing ship."
Cultural Gifts
Andal: SIZ +2 (may exceed cultural maximum)
Greensight (prophecy)
Dornishman: APP +2 (may exceed cultural maximum)
Ironborn: Immune to drowning.
Mountain Clan:
Northman (roll D6): 1-3
Greensight, 4-6
Dragon Dreams (prophecy)
3. Determine Equipment
Starting equipment is determined by character's culture and social class. Fosterlings may choose to be equipped as per their foster family. To find the foster family's social class, roll D20 on the "father's social class" table (
Step 3 of the
Personal Data section) and add
+10 to the result.
Knightly classes have equipment listed by
"outfit." Only first and second born (natural) sons are afforded full kit. Later sons, bastards, and fosterlings treat their outfit as one step lower (though never worse than
#1). Daughters who wish to go to war receive full kit, provided their family has no sons of the proper age; otherwise, they likewise treat their outfit as one step lower. Women of
Dorne are not subject to this rule, having all the rights and responsibilities of sons.
If a first or second born son decides to forgo his rights (or is killed, crippled, becomes a maester, etc.), his outfit is passed on to the next most eligible person. A non-combatant daughter, may choose to give her rightful gear to her husband (assuming it is better outfitting than his status would otherwise warrant).
1 gold dragon is worth 200 silver stags. 1 silver stag is worth 7 copper stars.
SELLSWORD (any culture):
Boiled leather armor + open helm (
6 points)
Arming sword or other one-handed weapon, dagger, clothing worth 20 silver stags.
CRANNOGMAN (any class but sellsword):
Leather armor (equivalent) (
3 points), shield
Frog spear (javelin), bronze knife, net, clothing worth 10 silver stags.
MOUNTAIN CLAN (any class but sellsword):
Leather armor (equivalent) + open helm (
4 points)
Great axe, 2 one-handed weapons, shield, dagger, 2 javelins, clothing worth 5 silver stags.
Knight or lord: chainmail, dublet, and open helm (
10 points), shield; all others: boiled leather + open helm (
6 points), shield
Hand axe, 2 spears, bow (10 arrows), one other weapon, dagger, clothing worth 50 silver stags.
"Keep your fancy finery. I've got a ship." |
Footman: Outfit #1
Squire or Sergeant: Outfit #2
Hedge Knight or Sworn Sword: Outfit #3
Landed Knight or Officer: Outfit #4
Minor House Lord: Outfit #5
Great House Lord: Outfit #6
Boiled leather + open helm (
6 points), shield
Arming sword or other one-handed weapon, choice of great spear or bow, dagger, clothing worth 100 silver stags.
Chainmail, dublet, open helm (
10 points), shield
Rounsey; arming sword, spear, one other weapon, dagger, clothing worth 1 gold dragon.
Reinforced chainmail, dublet, closed helm (
12 points), shield
Courser, palfrey, and rounsey (may trade the courser and rounsey for a destrier and stot, if desired); 2 spears, arming sword, any one other weapon, 5 jousting lances, dagger, clothing worth 2 gold dragons, 1 gold dragon in money.
Dorne and the North: armor as per Outfit #3
All others: partial plate, dublet, closed helm (
14 points), shield
Courser, destrier, palfrey, 2 rounseys; 2 spears, arming sword, any one other weapon, dagger, 5 jousting lances, clothing worth 4 gold dragons, 2 gold dragons in money.
Dorne: armor as per Outfit #3; the North: armor as per Outfit #4
All others: plate armor, dublet, closed helm (
16 points), 2 shields
Courser, destrier, 2 palfreys, rounsey, mule; leather hunting armor (2 points), 6 spears, long sword, arming sword, any 2 other weapons, dagger, 10 jousting lances, clothing worth 8 gold dragons, 2 gold dragons in money.
Dorne: armor as per Outfit #3 though exquisitely worked
All others: plate armor, doublet, closed helm (
16 points), 2 shields
Courser, destrier, 2 palfreys, 2 rounseys, mule; engraved leather hunting armor (2 points), 6 spears, long sword, arming sword, any 4 other weapons, dagger, 10 jousting lances, clothing worth 10 gold dragons, 3 gold dragons in money.
Dorne: ceremonial plate armor (14 points) plus Outfit #3 for battle.
All Others: filigree plate armor, dublet, closed helm (
16 points), 2 shields
2 coursers, destrier, 2 palfreys, 2 rounseys, 2 mules; engraved leather hunting armor (2 points), 6 spears, long sword, arming sword, any 6 other weapons, dagger, 10 jousting lances, clothing worth 12 gold dragons, 4 gold dragons in money.
NOTE: characters of Dorne change all warhorses (destriers and coursers) for an equal number of
sand steeds. A character of Dorne can only possess a courser or destrier if granted additional horseflesh by a luck roll (see
Step 2 above). A sand steed may not be ridden in battle with armor heavier than Dornish (reinforced) chain mail.
to be continued]