Saturday, February 1, 2025

ASC Review: The Tower in the Lake

The Tower in the Lake (Matthew Lake)
B/X for four to seven PCs of 3rd-5th level

And so we come to the end of our list. The Tower in the Lake was actually the 25th adventure received, but it was updated with a re-scanned map to make the walls big deal. Will we go out with a bang or a whimper? That's the real question.

For my review criteria, you may check out this post. All reviews will (probably) contain *SPOILERS*; you have been warned! Because these are short (three page) adventures, it is my intention to keep the reviews short.

I'll save you the suspense: this adventure is so good that I have almost no notes.

Only quibble would be with the Magical Library: magic mouth isn't a spell in B/X (although a wizard like Thassalius certainly might have researched one), and spell books don't work like this in B/X (PCs only know the spells they know)...but since they don't impact anything (not even treasure), that doesn't matter at all. 

B/X system mastery is on full display. Wonderful...really shows what can be done with the system. The problem with B/X is the lack of durability at low levels and the lack of long-term play value after reaching Name level. But for a small, mid-level adventure like this? B/X can be really effective. 

This is an adventure site, but it's a large one: 23 encounter areas. It will probably take more than one night to complete, but not necessarily because its many nods to verticality (pits, slides, whirlpools, etc.) can be used to bypass content. However, the adventure is so cool, players will probably want to plumb its (literal) depths.

Danger level is fairly high...but not impossible!...for this level range. Probably should take at least six PCs into this one. For a party of six 4th levels, I'd expect treasure take to be about 34K total. Treasure total? 40K (and up to 8K of that is destroyable). So...perfect?

Theme is tight and well done. Creativity is delightful. I'm not going to tell you anything about this adventure, because you should have your B/X DM run it for you. If you play a different edition, you can try converting it, although for AD&D you'll want to increase the level range...maybe a 5th-6th average with adjusted magic/treasure. Monster use is excellent, making good use of B/X stuff with a couple unique guys (well-described and fully statted) that are perfectly acceptable. Some DMs will complain there are no hit points listed for the monsters, but that doesn't bother me when everything can be found in the rule book.

This adventure is a triumph and gets the full five stars (out of five). Matthew Lake should be very proud of what he's wrought. Exceptionally nice way to finish these reviews.



  1. Replies
    1. "Selection of the top 8 adventures will be ranked choice, which then get bundled into a free product on DriveThru, published under a creative commons attribution license (so it can be shared, but credit to writers). "

    2. It is not, as of yet, available to the general public. I am hopeful that it will end up as one of the finalists for the ASC2 competition (the best eight or so will be put into a free PDF which will be available at DriveThru). Some of the authors have made their adventures freely available on the discord channel that I (and the other contest judges) frequent, but Mr. Lake hasn’t…yet. If he does (or if he makes it available elsewhere) I’ll post about it.

    3. Oh ok, thanks!! I thought my google-fu had failed me.

  2. Ended on a high note, at least. Some of the earlier entries had me despairing.

    1. It was indeed (in my opinion) a high note to end on.
      : )

  3. Wow, thanks for the great review JB! "B/X system mastery" is an honour coming from you.

    I take your point about the magic: on reflection some of my house rules have bled through. As you've pointed out before, publication is a different kettle of fish from a home campaign.

    I'll check out that Discord you mentioned.

    1. You're very welcome. I found it well done, with little even to nitpick. Definitely one of the better adventures I've read that contained a "water element."
