Sunday, January 19, 2025

ASC Review: The Herbalist's Son

The Herbalist's Son (Jacob72)
"Classic" D&D for four to seven PCs of 3rd-5th level

Even though there's a ruined "druid chapel" in this one, there are no druids and the author takes all the monsters and treasure "from the Basic and Expert books." As far as I can tell, it's a B/X adventure and I am reviewing it as such.

For my review criteria, you may check out this post. All reviews will (probably) contain *SPOILERS*; you have been warned! Because these are short (three page) adventures, it is my intention to keep the reviews short.

Man, I went into this one expecting to rant and rage. Written for "Classic D&D?" That ain't a thing! However: this is one of the better small-scale B/X adventures I can remember reading.

Simple enough premise:PCs receive some info that might lead to a lost elvish tomb in a nearby settlement. Going to the settlement, they find some herbalist and his son...were already investigating the rumors, but have disappeared after hiring some "woodsmen" to help them out. Turns out the woodsmen were actually bandits led by a couple werewolves.

PCs follow the map, find the dug-out entrance to the tomb...actually more of a fairy mound...and explore. 

Decent encounters, including angry elves looking for payback on the ruined fairy village, giant weasels, wraiths (because dead elves become wraiths...duh), a changeling (doppelganger) masquerading as the herbalist's son, insect swarms, and...of course...the aforementioned bandits.  Good mix, good map, good interactivity, good use of tricks/traps.

The imprisoned fire elemental is kind of silly and unnecessary...also, it's probably one monster too many for the size of this thing. And the treasure take is fairly light: not even 7,000 for an adventure that should be rocking close to 20K.  But there's silver jewelry and gems that can be upped in value, and the bandits really do need more loot (assuming they're the ones that crushed the fairy village). The fix is pretty easy here. 

Good theme, good B/X adventure. Wraiths are pretty vicious for 4th level characters, but the PCs get plenty of warning...and I dig the underground river and the "gateway to the land of the Fairies." Really nice. Three and a half stars (out of five). Nicely done!


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