Monday, May 4, 2015

O By The Way...

Finished the Daredevil series round about Tuesday or Wednesday of last week. Great, great series and very pleased with the overall product and story arc. Well worth the watch, and makes me excited for the other scheduled MCU series to come.

Oh, yeah...and it inspired me to write a new game. Been working on it the last five days or so (actually writing text). Just so you know.
; )

If you don't recognize these folks, I can't help you.


  1. Powerman and Iron Fist ... cool! :-)

  2. I'm guessing the girl on the car is Electra? Next to her is Luke Cage and by his side, as it should be, is Iron Fist. But who's the last lady? I'm unfamiliar with her.

    1. @ Charles:

      Nope. Girl on the hood is Colleen Wing and the lady with the gun is Misty Knight...the "Daughters of the Dragon." Along with Luke and Danny, these were the original "Heroes for Hire."
      : )

    2. Huh? I only ever read the later stuff with Luke and Danny so I missed out on the ladies.

      Cool. Now I have something to go searching for when I go to the comic book shop!
