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No joke. |
The kids and I were at Barnes & Noble, using up old gift cards (we had some $160 worth that were sitting in the glove box of the car). While many actual ("non-game") books were bought, I threw the DMG on the pile for a lark. I mean, if I fancy myself a "game designer," shouldn't I be keeping up with new developments in the hobby? Plus, it had a cool cover and I am NOT immune to the same visual snares as any other gamer geek. C/mon...Warduke? He's my fave!
My son just rolled his eyes at me.
But seriously, the subject of 5E has been coming up lately with regard to some of the things I've been writing (and some of the feedback I've been getting), and I thought maybe I needed to take a good look at just what WotC (or "the WotC" as some call it) is selling customers these days. I mean, I have the receipt...I can still take the book back.
; )
ANYway...after the kids were in bed, I skimmed the book for an hour or so, making note of the different sections, seeing what new things had been included, noting some of the cuteness. I confess, I do love the inclusion of the "D&D kids" from the early 80s cartoon; especially nice to see their "magic weapons" all getting write-ups in the the Magic Items section. Nice to see Greyhawk get some love as an example campaign setting (I didn't bother reading the write-up). The "lore glossary" was kind of fun (no Gord the Rogue, though). Also, interesting the chapter on "bastions"...5E adding some domain rules to their game? How 'old school' of them!
I woke up this morning a little before 6am and, as usual, being unable to get back to sleep, decided to go downstairs, brew some coffee, and give the thing a thorough read-through.
Well, at first it wasn't all that bad. In fact, my original title for this blog post was going to be "Eye of the Beholder" because, if you read the text from a particular perspective...say, one of having decades of D&D gaming under your belt...and then tilted your head a little bit...well, you could say 'Okay, I guess this is still D&D.' I mean, the "how to run a session" is fairly similar to any other edition's session running. Discussions of DM's unique play style, respecting our fellow participants (players and DMs alike), rules adjudication, yes, yes, this all seems normal. Advice for dealing with overly cautious players, uh-huh. How to deal with rules discussions, okay. A lot of things on proper communication...what I'd call "no brainer" stuff, but we live in a world where bad behavior gets tolerated (especially on-line), and everyone is touchy, so maybe having some of this up front is fine. VTT discussion...okay, small, but worth mentioning, no problem...
Then we get to Chapter 2: Running the Game.
KNOW YOUR PLAYERS...your role as Dungeon Master is to keep the players immersed in the world you've created and to give the characters the opportunity to do awesome things.Knowing what your players enjoy most about the D&D game helps you create and run adventures that they will enjoy and remember. Once you know which of the following activities each player in your group enjoys, you can tailor adventures to your players' preferences.
So what are these activities? They book divides them into several descriptive categories, each category including several ideas for engaging these specific types of players. They include the following (in alphabetical order): Acting, Exploring, Fighting, Instigating, Optimizing, Problem-Solving, Socializing, Storytelling. These ideas for all these are bad, dumb, or worse. For the "socializing" player, there aren't any ideas; instead, the book simply says:
Many groups include players who come to the game primarily because they enjoy the social event and want to spend time with their friends, not because they're especially invested in any part of the actual game. These players want to participate, but they tend not to care whether they're deeply immersed in the adventure, and they don't tend to be assertive or very involved in the details of the game, rules, or story. As a rule, don't try to force these players to be more involved then they want to be.
Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?
I started to read ahead, faster and faster...skimming over extremely extraneous rules (example: "audibility distance" has a random table: 2d6x5' if you're trying to be quiet, 2d6x10' with normal movement, 2d6x50' if "very loud," undefined. Oh, here's another: roll D20 for weather: 1-14 "normal for season," 13-17 colder, 18-20 hotter. Thanks, tips). Ignored the paltry miniatures rules and got to combat, where we get this good advice under the section KEEPING COMBAT MOVING:
Don't Repeat Game StatesWhen a characters do something to change the tactical situation, don't respond by putting things back to the way they were before. For example, if a character takes the Disengage action to move away from a group of monsters, don't respond by having those same monsters chase the character. Move the monsters somewhere else.
Guess no pursuit/evasion rules needed here.
Hasten A Monster's DemiseIf a combat has gone on long enough [undefined] and the characters' victory is almost certain, you can simply have the monster drop dead. The players don't ever need to know that still had 15 Hit Points left...
How is that different from "fundging" dice rolls again?
Change The MonsterYou can transform one monster into another to keep a fight interesting. Maybe a worg splits open and a gibbering mouther spills out to take its place. Or a cultist is consumed in a pillar of infernal flame and a devil erupts from the ashes.
Or maybe I should suddenly yell and throw my beer at the players because they seem to be dozing off, right? That'll liven things up...keep 'em on their toes, right?
OMG (as the kids say)...this was starting to get really, really bad. I quickly flipped back to chapter one where the helpful sidebar told me that "Every chapter (but especially chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5) has new advice for Dungeon Masters of all experience levels." Well, the advice in Chapter 2 had proven fucking horrible, what on Earth would I find in Chapters 4 and 5?
Oh, Lord, no...
Everything outlined about the story of an adventure in chapter 4 is true of a campaign's story as well; a campaign is like a series of comics or TV shows, where each adventure (like an issue of a comic or a TV episode) tells a self-contained story that contributes to the larger story. Just like with an adventure, a campaign's story isn't predetermined, because the actions of the players' characters will influence how the story plays out.
No, of course it's not. It's dependent on Character Arcs:
Like most protagonists in film and literature, D&D adventurers face challenges and change through the experience of overcoming them. By incorporating each character's motivation into your adventures...you'll help characters grow in exciting ways. You can use the DM's Character Tracker sheet to keep track of key information about each character [sections on PC's Goal, Ambition, Quirks and Whims, then]...Players often reveal their characters' motivations through play. If you're uncertain of a character's motivations seem to have changed, it's OK to ask players for clarification.
Because, yeah, if I'm designing adventures that highlight "characters' motivations" it would be pretty challenging to do so given a whimsical fucking player who keeps changing their character's "goals" and "ambitions." Especially if it's just some jackass that only shows up to "socialize."
This f'ing thing.
There are a lot of people who say that "D&D 5.5" is pretty much the same thing as 5E, and mechanically-speaking (i.e. with regard to the actual nuts-n-bolts rules), this appears to be the case. But this is most definitely NOT the same game as previous editions. To paraphrase a famous movie line, "This ain't even the same Goddamn sport."
It is clear to me that WotC has leaned HARD into that cash cow that is Critical Role...a program that amassed a half billion views between 2018 and 2022. There was no "Critical Role" in 2014 when 5E was first published, and while I don't own the 5E DMG, I can read it on-line (pirated PDFs abound) and there's nothing in it that comes close to calling D&D a "collaborative story" that focuses on characters. Here, though, it is pervasive and (IMO) plain terrible. Even 5E, as written could still be played (nominally) like Dungeons & Dragons, i.e. with players experiencing the thrill of danger in adventures created by a DM running his or her own world.
Now it's about having a "premise" for your campaign. Now it's about including "foreshadowing" and "callbacks." Now it's about "sharing spotlight" and creating Very Special Episodes for each particular PC in the group.
Character-Focused Adventures. Adventures should occasionally highlight character motivations or elements of their backstory. Here are a few examples.......Avoid focusing adventures on any one character too often, and look for opportunities to have character-focused adventures for each character from time to time.
No. This is not D&D. This is not special snowflake Improv Hour at the Underground.
All of this is so aggravating and awful I want to nut-punch someone. No wonder the state of the hobby is so incomprehensible. The publishers took the incoherence of 2nd Edition AD&D and multiplied it by a hundred. Why? Because some actors pretending to play D&D made the game uber-popular.
F. That. Nonsense.
I apologize for all the cursing (my kids don't read my blog), but I am incensed. And I am sad. Because it IS sad...yes, SAD!...to see the needless and untimely death of something I love. The death of fantasy adventure gaming. You can sell all the books of rules you want, with stupid tracking sheets, and ridiculous random tables, and long and complex "experience point tables." But experience points don't matter much when levels are handed out arbitrarily.
You can do away with XP entirely and advance characters based on how many sessions they play or when the characters accomplish significant story goals. This method of level advancement can be particularly helpful if your campaign doesn't include much combat or includes so much combat that tracking XP becomes tiresome.
Oh, I'm sorry. Has tracking XP become tiresome? Let's just sit around talking "in character." That should surely be the way to make my fighter become a more powerful combatant. Lot of danger in hashing out my backstory with sparkling reveals and a clever accent, right?
But is there really any danger? After all, players are allowed to set "Hard Limits" for what they find acceptable, and this can include ANY rules, including those related to CHARACTER DEATH.
Given the degree to which players get attached to their characters, character death can be an emotionally charged situation. It might even be a hard limit for some players (see "Ensuring Fun For All" in chapter 1), so it's worth holding a conversation about how to handle character death at the start of a game.
Oh, I'm sorry. I was under the mistaken impression we were playing DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. I didn't realize that would be TOO HARD for you. Please, let us play this circle-jerk abomination instead!
It is ridiculous. It is terrible. It is dysfunctional. It is schizophrenic: why bother putting in all this "advice" to make interesting tactical distinctions in combat (all in the name of making fights more interesting) when it all just boils down to advantage or disadvantage? Why bother fighting at all when the DM simply rules the monster drops dead because the fight's been going on "too long?" Or when DMs are advised to have unrelated monsters pop out of an opponent just to spice things up?
The dumbing down of D&D and the squandering of the game's potential has reached apotheosis. I will not say 'things cannot get worse,' because things can ALWAYS get worse. But even making the game worse than this could not kill classic D&D adventure game any deader. What the game's publisher is selling as instructional text to potential Dungeon Masters is worse than a sham...it's a shame. A damn, crying shame.
Hey, but nice cover art! Love Warduke!
And you gave them money.
ReplyDeleteAs I wrote, I kept the receipt. I shall be taking my money back tomorrow, sir!
DeleteHey... Brad Goodman tells you, "Do what you feel." Let's not "should" these players to death. Next, you'll be laying a guilt trip on the players for not oiling ferris wheels or something.
ReplyDeleteObscure Simpsons episodes. It's the boy's fault.
Not at all surprising - most 5e play culture has aspired towards this sort of "make a fun theme park ride for the characters to ride" style without much chance of failure for quite a while.
ReplyDeleteIn the other hand, the sort of "craft a coherent story with a narratively satisfying beginning, middle and end, that takes into account the backstories of the characters, their motivations, specific themes etc seems largely aspirational outside of groups comprising primarily of improve troupe actors.
Jonathan, I believe you just mixed up some books. This clearly was some 90s WoD book you were reading, not D&D.
ReplyDeleteExcellent advice about the beer, though, which I will follow next time my players challenge my DM authority.
I am willing to defend 5e as a game that with some small house rules can be played as a Fantasy Adventure Game, it’s not the best, but you can.
ReplyDelete5.5e or 5.24e or whatever they are calling it I will not defend. It adds needless complexity, fails to clarify some of 5e ambiguous rules (and in some cases muddles them more i.e. stealth), panders to “making players happy” versus staying a game, and fails to pick a lane.
I think the DMG has maybe one or two good things going for it (none of which outweigh the ton of bad). I haven’t read the bastion rules, but the idea of a home base is a good. The second is that it has 5 very short, very focused adventures. Almost every 5e adventure published is a bloated mess of needless backstory, exposition, and lore. These present the bare minimum. When you read a Dyson review and it rambles on how the whole adventure about following a diseased stream to a cave and fighting some monsters and the strange fungus in the cave is 32 pages of useless garbage that could be one page. These are the one page versions of those adventures. Maybe just maybe this gets through to a few folks that less really can be more. I doubt it, but it was refreshing to see adventures for 5e in a format other than “bloat”.
But having read both the PHB and the DMG I can say the game has moved into the 4e territory where it is beyond my ability (as a skilled and practiced DM) to save.
Also I found the art in the 5.5 PHB to be horrible. I’m not talking about the courtesy animal stuff, that’s no more offensive than the cartoons in 1e, it is the smiling joyful adventurers without a hint of danger or hardship that angers me. Seriously it’s bad, when you are returning the DMG flip through it.
I appreciate the comment 7B: I know there are plenty of folks floating around the "old school" blogosphere who have shifted to 5E over the years. But 5.5 is...wow, it is something else.
Delete[I did peruse the PHB5.5 earlier today, but only for rules stuff...did not pay attention to the art. Sorry. But...kind of glad I didn't, too, you know?]
I wouldn't say I shifted to 5e. I'm not monogamous with any one edition. I'll roll my dice with most rules.
DeleteIt is a nice cover, and I like that Venger is there. He's always seemed a good BBEG to me. Are there stars published for him?
ReplyDeleteI can just imagine the conversations that led to the design aspects you criticised. Ultimately WOTC and Hasbro are about profit from moving product, and they're trying to maximise that.
As the game moves far far away from its origin as a Fantastical Medieval Wargame and morphs into amdram and improv, it strikes me that all those pieces of advice leads to a game where the majority of the rules are superfluous. That means that the books mainly contain anodyne statements or fluffy padding. You're not buying a game you're buying a nice art book and a concept.
No Vengers stats in the book. There were stats for Venger in DND3 (see today's post on the subject).
DeleteI think rulebooks becoming "superfluous" is a possible (probable? inevitable?) outcome of our fading literacy populace. Eventually, I imagine D&D will all be on-line in some form or another with players simply paying a monthly subscription and having all their thinking done for them. It will be like playing a living video game, managed in real-time and supplemented by programming.
I think that you're on to something there. Wall-E might have been an animation but the over-sized babies bereft of any skill seems our trajectory (though probably a far greater dystopian one).
DeleteThis has happened in engineering too. CAD software can perform a lot of calculations quickly that an engineer would've otherwise done. As the new graduates come in they don't know how to do the calculation and consequently can't verify the computer result. SISO.
Critical Role may not have been around at the dawn of 5e, but Acquisitions Incorporated (with Wil Wheaton and a bunch of Internet-famous celebrities) certainly was, so the motivation of "watching a story" was already in full bloom by then. I think Mike Mearls was the one responsible for what "old school" sensibilities 5e (2014) retained, and after he left in 2019 the overall trajectory of D&D shifted towards what we are seeing now.
ReplyDeleteThat could well be. I've give Mearls a lot of shit (in writing) over the years, but much of it is probably undeserved. Working in the gaming biz is living the dream, and you can't eat principles.
DeleteThat being said, I'm not sure he truly understands "old school" gaming (not many do), even if he groks "old school sensibilities." If he had, he might have pushed harder for a different paradigm.
If it brings you any comfort, JB...
ReplyDeleteConversing with ChatGPT, it automatically falls into all the modern parlance of "collaborative storytelling," "backstories" and "lore" without a moment's hesitation, as there are so many materials floating around that it has stored in its belly. But, if you say, "I'm talking about AD&D here," it may still use some of the rhetoric, but it shifts at once to understanding the older system without particular issues.
Actually, I have performed those same exercises with ChatGPT myself and, yes, I found the same thing: when you strictly define for AD&D it starts fixing its protocols (or whatever you call them).
DeleteBut ChatGPT is also exceptionally stupid. I’ve found (especially when asking it to search for things) that it gets easily distracted, sidetracked, or comes to the wrong conclusion and then insists that its answer is correct when it is factually wrong it’s okay as a springboard for writing (some) things, but I still prefer to do my own writing…slow as that is.
Oh, it usually forgets the dictums and rules within five or six answers. I also do my own writing, though I'm not slow.
DeleteThanks for writing this. After seeing some other reviews/previews that talked about how the new dmg had advice for new dms I was thinking of getting it simply to hand to people looking to learn to DM. Also Chris Perkins talked about how this book was his last major design outing and he put all his knowledge into it. So I was hoping he included actual good advice. I've read perkins early adventure design work in dungeon magazine and was unimpressed, the kind of railroad force the players to follow the nonsensical plot type of thing that was popular in the late 80 and early 90s. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he had learned something over the last 30 years, but I guess not given these examples. Now my challenge is to convince my fiancee not to buy the new book(she has a bunch of 5e books and is relatively new to the hobby)
ReplyDeleteRegarding the whole xp milestone leveling. I think it came about when WOTC with 3.0 made the xp chart for all the classes the same. Why does it matter if you track XP when you have the same group of players show up to every session and get the same XP every session? They're all going to level at the same time anyway. So why are we tracking XP in the first place? Right? Riiiight?!?
ReplyDeleteWell said sir! Can we ask for more writings like this?
ReplyDeleteI’ll see what I can do.