Thursday, December 14, 2023

Shrine Of The Demon Goddess

SO...last Wednesday I wrote about my tournament scenarios for the Cauldron convention, promising (more-or-less) that I'd release my con notes for the adventures, including the new scenario, Shrine of the Demon Goddess. Unfortunately, events conspired to make me late in delivering on that promise. 

Don't they always?

Well, better late than never. Here are the downloads:

It's been a while since I've uploaded anything to MediaFire...please let me know if there are problems with the links.  The Forbidden City PDF contains all my tournament notes, including the notes for the first two scenarios; you will need an actual copy of I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City to make much sense of those (this would be the first five pages of the PDF).

Shrine of the Demon Goddess beings on page 5. Despite being three levels deep, it is only 27 encounters in is designed for a short excursion (suitable for a four-hour tournament time slot). It IS possible for a group, given four hours of play time to dig out at least TWO of the substantial "pay drops" (I know...I've seen it in testing) but clearing the whole dungeon in such a time frame would be pretty close to impossible...give it a session for each level if you want to run it as a "standard adventure."

As usual, feel free to hit me up with any questions and/or comments.

OH...just by the way, I'll throw in a PDF of the pre-gens I brought to the tournament. Those who have a copy of I1 will recognize these as the 20 pre-generated characters provided in the back of the adventure module, though some have been modified to better work with the level of the scenarios given here:

: )


  1. Thanks for sharing! ”Random crap” is now my new favourite treasure type…

    1. Haha! Yeah...this is not really how I'd write things up for publication...they were tournament notes for use at the table (so I didn't have to spend time flipping pages in my 40-year old module). I'm not a big believer in animals (even fairly clever ones, like carnivorous apes) collecting coins...but I *CAN* see them collecting a bunch of miscellaneous items that have a COLLECTIVE value of 1,000 electrum or 1,000 silver (with the corresponding encumbrance of the same: 100# or 100# in game terms). However, in multiple play-tests, I've YET to see anyone go sniffing around the ape's nest looking for treasure, so...yeah, "random crap" it is.

      Glad I can amuse people besides myself with my half-wit.
      : )

  2. Well, this looks like fun, thanks! Have you shared any other Forbidden City expansion material?

    1. This is the only thing I’ve written for it, to date. When I’ve run I1 in the past (probably 3-5 times), I’ve just gone with the standard module scenario, and seen how far PCs would go before abandoning the City.

      In the case of the con scenarios, Horan (taken alive) ransomed his life by giving up the location of the yuan-ti’s temple, its “holiest of holies.” He did not know what would be found within the compound (no non-YT allowed), only that substantial treasure had been taken there.
