Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Instant Karma

And you see, this is why you don't complain when you have nothing to complain about...the Universe sends you a 6-alarm pooping.

[for those who don't have small children, anything over 2-alarm generally requires changing at least one layer of clothing in addition to the diaper; a 5-alarm will usually require a full new outfit and possibly a bath. With a 6-alarm, you have a baby that has managed to poop every piece of clothing he's wearing...including socks and shoes!...AND manage to poop papa's clothing, too, necessitating a change of pants for the parent]

The beagles were NOT helpful in this incident.

Ah, well...having resolved said crisis (and now wearing sweat pants), we can return to our normal July 4th festivities (including gaming, designing, and blogging). Without further complaint, may I hasten to add!
; )


  1. Heh, I clicked "Shite" in honor of the event you just experienced! Ah, been there, done that indeed. Welcome to the Brown Brigade, my friend!

  2. Ah, I remember those days! We once had a 7-alarm, which is when the car seat gets involved as well.

    Enjoy them, though. They grow all too fast. 'Course, then they can game with you.

  3. Isn't this what garden hoses are for?

  4. @ All:

    Ha! It actually was more amusing than anything else (except perhaps 'astounding' that so much poop can come out of such a little person). I don't have much of a sense of smell, so it really doesn't bother me...I am trying to enjoy my son's childhood as much as possible.
    ; )
