I've had an idea for a blog post that's been rolling around in my head for the last few hours, but after watching tonight's Portugal v. USA game, I'm really not up for it. It's funny...if
your team ties the score in the last 30 seconds, you end up feeling elated that you didn't lose, but if the other team equalizes, you feel
devastated that you didn't win.
Ah, well...so it means that Game 3 (versus Germany) matters.
Make 'em work for it. Personally, I'd like to dream that this is our "payback year;" after all, Brazil won the World Cup on U.S. soil in 1994 (back when I didn't know there
was such a thing as a "world cup").
ugh...just thinking about that last goal really, really irritates me. Five minutes of stoppage time? And the guy scores at 4:36? Just...aaaaaRRGHH!]
Um, so ANYway...one thing I keep coming across in this blog is the fact that I write
less than I actually mean to write. Which has (believe or not) been an issue even since the early days (pre-children) when I was writing scores of posts every month. I think of things to post, fail to post them, and then
reference the very things I failed to post, thinking that everyone knows what the hell I'm talking about. Call it a pitfall of
the diarrhetic mind.
Case in point: I've written extensively about the
Mordheim game before, right?
No...wrong. Not here, anyway. I did write a review of the (now out-of-print) GW skirmish game on
Board Game Geek back in June of 2006 (about three years before the advent of this blog). Because, I'm feeling a little lethargic (i.e. lazy) at the moment, and because I want to get up earlier tomorrow, I'm going to copy and paste the thing here...my thoughts on it remain largely the same, strange enough. It also helps set up the aforementioned, soon-to-be-baked (I hope) topic on which I've been meditating.
ahem* Here it is:
Sorry...no longer available for sale. |
Real Fantasy Wargaming
Arneson and Gary Gygax (creators of the Dungeons & Dragons game) came from
a wargaming background. Their creation of the RPG was an attempt to recreate
stories like The Lord of the Rings into a workable game (killing monsters gets
you treasure, getting treasure gives you (experience) points, gaining points
rewards you with more effectiveness, allowing you to kill bigger monsters,
etc). Very simplistic and very open in scope.
takes these concepts to the next level of game play. First off, it is focused
setting-wise. All the action takes place in the ruined city of Mordheim, a
surface level dungeon filled with both treasure (precious “wyrdstone”) and
opponents (mutated denizens and competing treasure hunters). You play a
“warband:” a group of like-minded fellows looking for brawls and booty. These
are represented both abstractly (on a roster that keeps track of each band
members abilities) and with customizable miniatures that represent your warband
on the game board.
“board” is a number of small 3-D structures representing ruined buildings that
can be configured in whatever fashion the players choose…it changes with every
game, giving you a constantly evolving game board. You can also create your own
models for use in the game to update your play area.
is streamlined and tactical. Players alternate turns during each battle and
actions are resolved by rolling dice. Careful positioning, movement, and use of
special abilities/equipment (different types of warband have different gear and
bennies) is more important than random chance. Cautious use of terrain, cover,
and ranged weapons can be effective, but fortune often favors the bold, and
hand-to-hand combat is resolved both quickly and decisively.
a battle is concluded, players check to see what treasure their warband found,
and update their warband roster with new abilities gained from the experience
of the battle. They can also buy new and additional equipment or hire new
members for their warband.
game is quick enough that you can play 2 to 3 battles in an evening.
A Word About Miniatures
lot of wargaming hobbies require the purchase of scores of miniatures to field
a decent playable army, often at exorbitant (imported) prices. Mordheim can be
played with pretty much any fantasy miniatures of the 20mm range and as each
type of warband has a maximum number of pieces allowed (usually 12-15) your
cost is very small, especially if you only play with one favorite warband. I
decided I wanted to kit out a dwarven warband (modeled after the dwarves of The
Hobbit) and simply bought a box of dwarf footmen from the Warhammer Fantasy
Battle line…no blister packs, no ordering, and highly customizable. You can
spend your extra money on the beer and pretzels you’ll be consuming on game
original game (no longer sold) came with pieces for two warbands; one human,
one skaven (rat humanoids). Sadly, the boxed set is no longer printed as the
quality and number of minis alone was worth the price of the game.
Is It Fun?
There’s no angsty role-playing involved in this game. Just simply laying the
smack-down on your opponent. Gains you what treasure should: the money to
purchase better arms and armor. Becoming a veteran of many battles makes your
warband member a hardened killing machine.
game is easily played as a one-off single session, no attachments battle.
Different missions provide different goals/scenarios for victory, and a
changing variety of opponents and terrain means the re-play factor of the game
is high.
the campaign rules lends continuity to the game and gives a player a sense of
accomplishment outside of simply “Did I win or lose the battle?” Sure you may
have lost one night, but your warband gained something from the experience
(money, training), and the next game night it will be your turn for revenge.
are even supplemental scenarios for multiple warbands and semi-cooperative play
(there’s one in which part of the mission involves slaying a dragon).
Comparison With Other Games
have compared it to Necromunda (another game by the same company) and have
complained that it is not as detailed, that it doesn’t allow “cover fire” for
example. However, this game is set in an earlier renaissance period, and the
weapons and tactics for using a bow and black powder musket are not the same as
those by, say, the U.S. military in CQC or house-to-house battle.
movement and combat is similar in many ways to other Games Workshop miniatures
games (like Warhammer 40K), but each member of the warband is an individual,
unencumbered by squad cohesion rules…basically allowed to roam throughout the
battlefield on their own recognizance. Again the game emphasizes, tactics;
playing a couple times with the same warband will give you an idea on when to
huddle for protection, when to take cover, and when to charge. Also members of
a warband are much more customizable ability-wise and equipment-wise than your
average wargame platoon.
learning curve on Mordheim is pretty slight for folks with previous Games
Workshop wargame experience. For those that haven’t played GW games (or that
only know Blood Bowl), the curve is moderate. You can learn the rules in an
evening, but it takes a lot of time to master.
Should I Get This Game?
you’ve read this far, I’d strongly suggest getting this game. If you like the
fighting/challenge aspect of certain fantasy role-playing games without the
“role-playing,” then this game is for you. If you like the gritty, dark ages
setting of the Warhammer universe you’ll probably like this game. If anything about
“fantasy skirmish action” rings your bell, you should get this game.
you really enjoy painting and customizing individual miniatures (individual
stars or heroes) to the point where you give certain pieces names, or
personalities, or “talk” to them…in other words, if you are a freak like me,
then this is definitely the game for you. Your minis in this game are not
faceless, nameless troops…heck, they’re not even the linemen (and “lineorks”)
of Blood Bowl. A warband has personality…much like a pirate crew. They can be
themed creations, or simple reflections of their owner (you). However, you
won’t need to purchase 50+ miniatures to get a “themed” army like some games.
Softcover; killer interior art. |
and yes the game is out of print now, but it is available for free as a download
(see the link below). You can’t beat that price for this type of entertainment.
Download a copy, kit-bash some structures from cardboard and whatnot, and break
out those old Ral Partha miniatures!
[***EDIT: as of 2014, Games Workshop's "Specialist Games" site is dead; however, you can still find PDFs of the Mordheim rulebook with a quick internet search. Note that not all of these are the original, official rules released with the game***]
Limited Setting (last note)
course, the one disadvantage of a focused game like Mordheim is the limited
setting…it all takes place in one ruined city. However there is another
excellent setting available for download on the internet: Lustria: Cities of Gold. Lustria (in
the Warhammer universe) is the name of the South/Central American continent.
Like pre-Hispanic America, it is filled with rain forests, ancient pyramids,
and deadly creatures. Unlike the real world, the main inhabitants are savage
lizard folk living in the jungle. If you want to explore the new world and bring
back gold in a fantasy setting, check out the Lustria sites. And
please-oh-please post some pictures of any step-pyramid set pieces you design!
***EDIT: Lustria: Cities of Gold can also be found rather easily...there's even a quick link in yesterday's post***]