Friday, February 26, 2010
One Page Dungeon Contest DEADLINE
Luke Couldn't Shoot Straight to Save His Ass...
"I haven't gone by the name Obi-Wan since before you were born..."- Ben Kenobi"My father didn't fight in the Wars...he was a navigator on a spice freighter.""That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals; thought he should've stayed here and not gotten involved."- Luke and Ben"Luke's just not a farmer Owen; there's too much of his father in him."""That's what I'm afraid of."- Owen and Beru"[Anakin] was the best star pilot in the Galaxy...and a cunning warrior."- Ben"Your father wanted you to have this [lightsaber] when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old 'Obi-Wan' on some damn fool idealistic crusade, like your father did."- Ben"...[Darth Vader] helped hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights...Vader was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force."- Ben on Vader
"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you...""I find your lack of faith disturbing."- Vader and the Death Star officers"The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You my friend are all that's left of their religion."- Grand Moff Tarkin"You should not have come back."- Vader to Obi-Wan
The Madness Has Abated
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Combat with Dooku - Round 2 (Part 2)
Chris: "What am I going to do?" I’m going to bum rush…er, Bantha Rush this geezer, THAT's what!
JB: Wait a second…I thought your new feat was “Power Attack!”
Chris: No, no…I made a mistake earlier. I meant to say “Rapid Strike” – hey, I missed anyway! But look, you can see I have “Bantha Rush” right here on my character sheet.
JB (*incredulous*): Hmmm…okay, Bantha Rush. But I’m going to remember this for the future!
Chris: Right! So I struggle to my feet as a move action and charge the guy as a standard action…I’m more than two “squares” away [rolls 13+15=25+2 for charging =27] I’ll spend a Force point on the effort [rolls 2D8 because Anakin is “Strong in the Force” and takes the higher roll of 7] That’s a total of 34, better than your Reflex defense since you’ve left your guard down. I’m knocking him over the balcony.
Lee: I’ll land break my fall and roll to my feet using Acrobatics [rolls 4+13=17].
Chris: Don’t forget damage, though! [rolls 2D8+14 and rolls up a 24 total]. Are you feeling that?
Lee: Your measly kicks don’t even come close to my Damage Threshold. You coming down here, boy?
Chris: I leap down from the balcony and attack him with a Rapid Strike!
JB: Roll your Jump…this will count as a charge if successful. [Chris rolls a 14+14=28] Good enough; continue with your attack [Chris rolls 2+14+2-2=16] Mmm. Not enough. Dooku blocks everything you throw at him.
Lee: I keep my Makashi going as a swift action, and as a standard action I’ll use my new Temptation talent to goad him. “I sense much fear in you Skywalker…you have anger but you don’t use it…you have hatred but you keep it pent up like a caged animal. Give into your feelings!” [rolls Persuasion 18+17=35 easily eclipsing Anakin’s Will defense of 26] Ha! Now you can’t use Force points without gaining a Dark Side point or suffering a Condition penalty!
Chris: You know what? I’m going to let the “hatred flow” a bit. I use Dark Rage as a swift action and press the attack…I’ll spend a Force point to keep the Rage on for the remainder of the encounter [rolls a 19+12-1 (for his mechanical arm) = 30! This gives Anakin a +6 to attack and damage]. Now rolling to hit [rolls 12+15+6=33, not enough].
JB: That’s TWO Dark Side points kid…one for the Dark Rage and one for spending a Force point. However, since you’ve chosen the Destiny “Destroy Dooku” your actions in aid of your quest will give you a +2 bonus to all damage rolls for the next 24 hours.
Chris: Totally worth it.
Lee: I attack him two-handed! [rolls 12+20=32] Hit! Damage is [rolls 2D8+16] 21 points of damage.
Chris: I use Djem So to make an immediate attack of opportunity [rolls 13+15+6=34] That beats you without your fancy Deflection bonus.
Lee: I’ll Block [rolls 7+22=29] AND spend a Force point [rolls 3D6 and takes the best roll, a 5]…that brings me up to 34, stopping your attack!
Chris: I’m going to spend a Destiny point to steal Initiative and act out of turn.
Lee: What?!
JB: Turnabout is fair play. As I told Lee, you can only do this once per encounter.
Chris: Fine by me. I make a Double Attack and I’m going to spend two more Destiny points to make each blow Critical.
Lee: No way! Can he do that?!
JB (*consulting rule book*): Hmm…Destiny points do not cost any actions to use, and there’s no limit on how many you can use per round…unlike Force points.
Lee (*panicking*): I can still try to Block both attacks as reactions right?
JB: Yes, but remember that you suffer a cumulative -5 penalty to each successive Block attack attempted before your next turn, and you’ve already used one against his Djem So attack. You also already used a Force point (for that same Block) so you can’t use any more to boost your Block checks.
Lee: Ugh! And I’m out of Destiny points, too! Oh, well…here goes! [rolls a 10+22-5=27 and a 4+22-10=16].
JB: Lee, that was pathetic. Anakin’s attacks count as Criticals, so you needed to roll at least 35s…excuse me, 41s because of his Dark Rage! Go ahead and roll damage, Chris, and don’t forget to double it; roll separate for each attack.
Chris: [rolls 2D8+22 for each, including the +2 Destiny bonus and +6 Dark Rage] Damage results after doubling is 64 and 66! However, I will use my severing strike ability to simply cut off both his arms below the elbow.
Lee: You little bastard!
Chris: Hey, “do unto others,” buddy. And you’re too dangerous with those sword hands. Don’t worry - you can always get cybernetic replacements…isn’t that what you told me?
JB: All right, all right…Lee, the first blow shears through your right wrist for 32 points of damage, the second through your left for 31. Since both meet or exceed your Damage Threshold of 33, both blows drop you an additional -1 on the Condition track for a total of -4 (including -1 for each severing blow). You’re on your knees in front of him, can only move at half speed, and receive a -10 to all defenses, skill rolls, and attacks –
Chris: Assuming you want to try kicking me!
JB: …but at least he let you live, Lee. Of course, Chancellor Palpatine is still in the background, and he tells Anakin “you should kill him…he’s too dangerous to let live!”
Lee: I refuse to beg for my life.
Chris: It’s not the Jedi way to kill a helpless prisoner.
JB: It’s your call; he IS the most dangerous leader of the Separatists with the possible exception of General Grievous. Who knows what might happen once he gets some mechanical hands. But you WILL pick up a Dark Side point if you do it.
Chris: Ah, what the hell. It’s my Destiny to destroy him after all. I decapitate him with a swift blow.
Lee: Crap…do I get to play Mace now?
JB: Sure, man. Anakin, as you free the chancellor he commends you for defeating Dooku. “The Sith was too dangerous to let live…plus it’s only natural you’d want some payback for your arm. What did you do to the Tusken Raiders, after all? Now let’s get out of this place!” He’s heading for the door.
Chris: Wait, I want to go check on Obi-Wan first…
Combat with Dooku - Round 2 (Part 1)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Damn... I Screwed Up
Didn't I say this D20 was some fiddly shit? I completely missed the fact that you only roll Initiative ONE TIME and then the order doesn't change unless someone wants to delay an action. Wouldn't THAT have speeded everything up!
My combat example from yesterday is also tainted by my mis-use of the Force point rules. When a character spends a Force point to boost an attack or skill roll they roll 1D6 and add it to their total. If the character is 8th level they roll 2D6 and take the higher of the two dice, and if they are 15th level they roll 3D6 and take the higher of the dice. In other words, the MAXIMUM bonus received for spending a Force point is SIX (6), unless a character has the Strong in the Force feat (in which case they roll D8s instead of D6s). The latter folks would include Anakin, Luke, and Yoda amongst their number.
For those who care, here are the places this would have affected the combat:
- Obi-Wan would have failed to deflect Dooku’s Force Lightning and taken double damage.
- Dooku would have only hit Obi-Wan with one of his Double Attack rolls, taking less damage.
- Obi-Wan would have failed the Endurance check to stay conscious, but since this isn’t an actual rule in the game (the ACTUAL rule is: once you are reduced to 0 hit points or -5 Condition you are unconscious and unable to take any action), but rather an attempt to ape the movie, I could lower the DC to 20 or 25 or whatever to make it work.
- Dooku would probably have failed to hit Anakin’s 2nd lightsaber (he would have needed to roll a six on one of those three dice, instead of adding them together).
And that’s about it. All-in-all, the battle would probably have ended much the same, but it bugs me nevertheless (I like my calculations to be sans flaws). In my defense, I still remember WEG’s version of Force points which, while fewer in number (especially for non-Jedi) were incredibly badass in application. WotC gives you more frequent Force points, but they have a lesser impact (though still able to save your ass). Destiny points are the REAL ass-kickers.
Of course, after actually USING the combat system, I am again revising several of the character’s stat blocks. Dooku does NOT have Vaapad (per Star Wars lore, this is a form invented and only used by Mace Windu. Since it’s a non-film-canon talent, I feel I should stick with the non-film-canon interpretation)…besides, he can always spend a Destiny point if he wants to ensure a Crit hit on someone. Also, dropping one of his three Lightsaber Defense talents (2 + Makashi is enough), gives him the chance to add both Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialist. I think most will agree he’s some kind of a specialist with the lightsaber.
Anakin (for whom I believe I neglected to roll D8s when using Force points…damn it!) is getting an upgrade, including Skill Focus (Use the Force) in place of Dual Weapon Mastery feat and Force Pilot talent in place of Jury-Rigger. He already has the Mechanics skill (seldom put it to much use save when talking to droids) and rearranging his feats to give him these at 1st level makes it much easier to show how a kid was flying a fighter like a champ even while young. Also readjusting his attributes (for like the 5th time…but this time I think it’s sticking!).
Speaking of piloting, finally gotten around to reading the piloting chapter and it’s a little…well, weird, I guess. So much of the Saga Edition seems to be gears to or descended from their miniatures line, and apparently WotC had a “starship battles” game system that they wouldn’t mind Star Wars players using; however, THAT system “doesn’t take into account heroic characters.”
Driving a starship appears (at first read) to be pretty much the same as maneuvering around the battle map, save using a slightly different scale. However, you still attack and do damage based on your level, and the Piloting skill is simply designed to let you do certain stunts. I don’t feel like “mapping” out star systems anymore than I feel like mapping out…well, anything really (what is this? A board game?). I’ll see if it can be played out in the head with any degree of “coolness.” Again, I fondly remember WEG’s more abstract starship combat. It SEEMS like Saga can be used abstractly (though those ships have a LOT of “hit points”), but I just can’t say at this time. I’d kind of like to recreate the first Death Star run.
Which brings me to another little sticky point: modeling a Luke Skywalker that won’t get gaffled. Modeling Luke by film is no problem, by the way: he’s a pretty straight-forward 1/8/12 character. The thing is, Vader is a strong level 17 in Episode IV…His Royal Badness should have no problem shooting down the rookie pilot.
Is Luke a rookie by the time of his Death Star run? That’s the real question. The thing that’s going to save him is ample use of Force and Destiny points. NOW…if Vader’s Destiny (after fulfilling his CORRUPTION by the Dark Side) was to DESTROY Obi-Wan Kenobi (which seems pretty likely…destinies take years or lots of effort to fulfill, per the rules and that execution was 20+ years and several lopped limbs in coming), then Vader would have NO ACCESS to his own Destiny Points until he’d chosen a new Destiny (like the CORRUPTION OF HIS SON, which can’t happen until he knows the kid exists). Which means, Luke is free to use his own Destiny points to save his bacon and Crit the hell out of the Death Star.
But how many does he have to work with? A character gets one Destiny point for every level of experience. Luke begins Episode IV with one level and one Destiny point…how many levels does he have by the time he climbs into the cockpit of his X-Wing?
Off-hand, I’m guessing THREE, as in, “he’s 3rd level.” This gives him the feats and talents he needs to fly like an Ace, a couple Destiny points to save his ass and one more to make “the Shot Heard ‘Round the Galaxy.”
Besides, I just don’t see him going up more than 3000XP over the course of the movie. By the time he’s got out of Mos Eisley and learned from Ben, he should have about 1000 (enough for 2nd level and to make the switch to Jedi 1). By the time he reaches Yavin he should have another 2000 (probably including a 1500 pt bonus or so for rescuing the Princess).
Would Luke get a Destiny bonus for rescuing his sister? Hard to say. How about destroying Death Star #1 (the Destiny examples include “Lando’s destiny to destroy the 2nd Death Star” and I distinctly remember him having the help of a whole lot of others, including Wedge Antilles). I think I prefer to play fast and loose with the Destiny interpretations (I’m a big fan of The Riddle of Steel’s “spiritual attribute” system), and err on the side of given ‘em. It’s the only way I see to boost characters so they can take on Big Bad Guys. For Luke, it looks something like:
- Destined to RESCUE Leia
- Destined to DESTROY Death Star
- Destined to DISCOVER Yoda
- Destined to RESCUE Han Solo
- (whereas Leia was destined to DESTROY Jabba the Hutt)
- Destined to REDEEM Darth Vader
That’s a LOT of Destinies fulfilled, providing a lot of decent, permanent bonuses. Of course, compare this with Vader:
- Destined to RESCUE Mother
- Destined to DESTROY Count Dooku
- Destined to be CORRUPTED by the Emperor
- Destined to DESTROY Obi-Wan
- Destined to CORRUPT his son
- (or alternately, DESTROY the Emperor)
I would not count his destruction of the Trade Federation space station as fulfillment of a Destiny (just as I wouldn’t count Obi-Wan’s destruction of Darth Maul) as neither event had huge and lasting impact on the Galaxy, nor did they take a noticeable amount of time and devotion to fulfill. Both were major obstacles, but in the end, they were single-encounter obstacles, not ones I give a lot of credit.
But you can see (I hope) how subjective this stuff is…there is “wiggle room” and space for interpretation, even in a game as fiddly and granular as D20. These metagame characteristics (Force points and Destiny points) certainly give the game a LOT more room for story creation than, say, 3rd edition D&D or Pathfinder. How so? Destinies set strong motivations and goals for players’ characters and Force points allow them to (somewhat) address premise by picking and choosing what they get spent on.
I mean, you don’t need to spend a Force point to save your bacon if it’s “dramatically appropriate” to die. I think Qui-Gon probably had plenty of FPs saved up when he fought Maul; in an RPG a level 14 character would probably NOT be so silly to blow his last “hole card.”
; )
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
D20 Star Wars Combat (Part 2)
Chris: Argh! Just realized my Shake It Off! feat allows me to recover conditions in two swift actions instead of three!
JB: Okay, well, we’re not going “back in time” now, but you would have been fully recovered without expending any actions this round, so now your Initiative is at 30 just like Lee. What are you going to do?
Chris: What is HE going to do?
Lee: Actually what is OBI-WAN going to do?
Evan: Obi-Wan would LIKE to attempt to stay conscious maybe using an Endurance check?
JB: Hmm…there’s no such thing as “Endure Pain.” Sure, go ahead…you won’t be able to move or take more than one swift action per turn and it’s a DC 30 check; otherwise, you’re unconscious.
Lee: Can I still do a coup de grace?
JB: Yes, of course…he just gets to be awake for it.
Lee: Excellent!
Evan: Hey!
Chris: In that case, I am going to use a Force point to Block his attack. After taking a move action to get adjacent to him of course.
Lee: Good luck. That’s an automatic Critical correct?
JB: Yes. Anakin will need to get a Crit to block.
Chris: I’ll spend a Destiny point.
JB: Um…you can’t spend a Destiny point till you’ve chosen a new Destiny. Remember? You just completed the “rescue your mother” Destiny.
Chris: Oh, I’ve got a new Destiny, all right. My character is destined to destroy Count Dooku!
Evan: All right!
Lee: Oh, crap!
JB: All right, you block the coup de grace. Are you making an attack with your standard action?
Chris: You bet! [rolls 16+10=26] Crap…I am never going to get through that 33 Reflex save of his.

Evan: You just need to roll a Critical 20!
Lee (*snarling*): Aren’t you supposed to be unconscious?
Evan: Oh, right, I need to make an Endurance roll to stay conscious [roll 11+11=22]. Guess I’ll spend a Force point to stay awake [rolls, adds +11=33]. There you go! As my swift action, I’ll toss my lightsaber to Anakin…at least that way you’ll have twice the chance to hit and Crit!
Chris: Right on!
JB: Everyone roll Initiative again. [Lee rolls a 20+21=41; Chris rolls a 17+10=27] Intentions? Evan, you go last regardless.
Evan: Got nothing to do this turn save whimper anyway.
Chris: I’m whacking away!
Lee: Swift action for Makashi, and attacking!
JB: Go ahead and roll. [Lee rolls 4+19=23; not enough to penetrate Anakin’s Reflex defense of 24].
Chris: My turn [rolls an 8 and a 20!] Right on! That’s a Crit!
Lee: I’ll Block as a reaction. [rolls 11+21=32 as a Use the Force roll. Anakin’s Critical is equal to a roll of 20+10=30, so the Block stops the Critical]. All right this is ridiculous.
JB: Initiative again [Lee rolls 11+21=33; Chris rolls 14+10= 24]. And…?
Chris: Whacking away!
Lee: I’m going to go two-handed and attack one of his sabers, attempting to destroy or disable it. [rolls 7+19=26] I’ll use a Force point to drive that up [rolls 3D6 as a 16th level character and gets an 11 increasing the total to 37, enough to hit it]. My damage roll is [rolls] 24…more than enough to destroy the weapon.
Chris: Trying again, two-handed now [rolls 17+10=27]. I’ll use a Force point and add [rolls 2D6 as a 9th level character] six to the roll…a 33 total.
JB: That equals your Reflex defense without Makashi, Lee. Are you blocking?
Lee: Better believe it [rolls 18+21=39]. Time to finish this whippersnapper.
JB: Roll Initiative. [Lee rolls a 5+21=26; Chris gets a 17+10=27]. Wow.
Chris: Finally!
Lee: (*…*)
JB: Your move Chris.
Chris: I beat him two-handed with a flurry of Rapid Strikes…and I’ll tell you right now I’m using a Force point [rolls 19+10=29 +6 (Force bonus) = 35 -2 (for Rapid Strike) = 33! A hit!]. Nice!
Lee: I’ll Block as a reaction [rolls 18+21=39]. My turn [rolls 19+19=38]; my mastery of Vaapad makes that 19 a critical. Damage is [rolls 9+16] 25 multiplied by three for my Triple Crit feat means you’re taking 75 points of damage.
Chris: Well, I can still spend a Destiny point to avoid the attack!
Lee: Chris, I’ve got more Destiny points than you. If you want to trade critical back and forth, your character will die. I’ll make you a deal: I’ll take the damage down to 37 using Severing Strike and you’ll lose an arm, but I’ll let you live. The Separatists needs strong young Jedi that aren’t afraid to dabble in the Dark Side of the Force.
Chris: Fine. Don’t forget my new Destiny, though.
Lee: Oh, I won’t, don’t you worry. And after taking his right arm, I am going to spend a Force point to activate a Quickened Force Slam as a swift action.

Chris: Hey!
Lee: Quit whining; your character’s still conscious! [rolls: 8+21=29, well-exceeding Anakin’s Fortitude defense]. You take [rolls 4D6] 18 points of damage, dropping you below 0. But 18 doesn’t exceed you Damage Threshold, right?
Chris: No, I’m just knocked out.
Lee: I try to land his unconscious body on top of Obi-Wan’s…those two are so inseparable!
JB: Okay, done. So…Obi-Wan and Anakin are both down for the count, Dooku’s ship is ready for departure, and let’s see what the final Force tally was: hmm, you guys really did go for broke! Dooku’s down to 9, Obi-Wan 5, and Anakin has 1 left!
Anakin: Thought I might need it to save my life. I made a deal with the devil.
JB: Oh, there’s always cybernetic replacements.
Lee: So am I out of here or what?
JB: Well, there is just one little thing more…make a Perception check....
; )
***NOTES: This was a good learning exercise. Folks familiar with Episode II will certainly remember the scene recreated here. However, it required me to make creative interpretations to figure out how to use the rules as written to model the cinematic scenario.
One thing it helped me see are alternatives of character creation. I should note that almost every roll above was actually rolled...the decisions made regarding what actions to take were structured by the sequence of the film, but the dice played out well, especially with the uses of Force and Destiny points. However, I see now that some of my assumptions about certain feat or talent combos are unnecessary in light of the game mechanics.
For example, giving Dooku "wicked strike" is completely unnecessary...he's able to take Obi-Wan out simply by reducing his hit points withOUT lopping off limbs. Even the "triple crit" is unnecessary if Anakin has fewer hit points to start the encounter...the damage assigned the characters at the beginning of the combat was totally arbitrary, not based on watching the arena battle on film.
Likewise, there's no reason for Anakin to have the "dual weapon mastery" feat for a single encounter, in which he's definitely NOT a master. It's useful to have as many attacks as possible when you don't normally have a "double" attack...basically, whenever you're relying on wild luck to hit your much more adept opponent, you want to throw as many attacks as possible out there to see what you can roll.
Lastly, I'd just like to note this combat write-up was almost six pages long. In screenplay writing, one page of text equates to one minute on screen. I don't know how it would work out in role-playing. Assuming ALL the players were on the ball, knew the rules, and were able to contribute to the encounter (withOUT too much "search & handling time") D20 Star Wars has the potential to be a pretty quick moving game, at least in encounters including only a couple/three individuals. Against more? Well, that remains to be seen.***
D20 Star Wars Combat (Part 1)
A completely fictional example of combat from the fictional D20 Star Wars game (Saga Edition): the purpose of this text is to illustrate how a battle might play-out; the players named are completely imaginary. However, actual dice WERE rolled!
JB is the referee. Lee is playing Count Dooku, a fallen Jedi that has turned to the Dark Side (CR 16). Evan is playing Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight (CR 11), and Chris is playing his aspiring padawan Anakin Skywalker (CR 9). A fourth player, Francis, is playing Padme Amidala, a noble (CR 9), but she has run across the street to pick up some snacks. We pick up in media res...
JB: All right, let me just quickly recap. Dooku-Tyranus is getting ready to escape the shit-storm that has become Geonosis…Lee the droids are prepping your ship for take-off, but it’s going to take at least a couple minutes. Obi and Ana, you two managed to jump from your transport to the hanger ledge just before it was blown out of the sky…whatever happens you aren’t going back that way.
Chris: That’ll make it tough for Padme to rejoin the party.
Evan: I have a feeling she may not want to join this particular party…her character was pretty torn up, and falling out of the transport didn’t help.
JB: You guys aren’t looking so hot yourselves. Obi-Wan is down to 65 hit points and has already used his Second Wind for the day. Anakin, you’re down to 53 and still has his Second Wind to use –
Chris: You said I couldn’t use it till half my hit points were gone…
JB: Right, so not till you’re below 43. Meanwhile both of you have recovered your Condition track up to full. Tyranus, you are completely unscathed after fleeing the prior scene.
Lee: Discretion IS the better part of valor.
Chris: Coward!
JB: All right, this will be settled soon enough. Just so everyone knows, this is going to be the final encounter of this “episode.” Win or lose, we’ll be doing a denouement and picking up with a new story-adventure next session. Since ALL of you are going to be going up a level, you might as well go for broke with the Force Point expenditures…use ‘em or lose ‘em. Let me get a sound off with a Force Point check..
Evan: Eight.
Chris: Five… had to bail Padme out a couple times.
Lee (*smug*): Fourteen.
Chris & Evan: What --?!
JB: You know, if you’d used a Force Point on your Demand Surrender roll against Mace, you might’ve got him to back down.
Lee: I know what I’m doing.
JB: Okay…well, Jedi, you’re in a dark hanger cave carved from the side of the mountain. Machinery and rock meshes together with huge pipes and contraptions bolted into the ancient stone. Dooku stands in the middle of the hanger, watching as his shuttle is being prepped. Perception checks please, DC 10 [everyone rolls and passes]. Okay, no surprise…what’s everyone doing.
Evan: Well, I think we should –
Lee: Man, I’m charging! Let’s kick some ass!
JB: Okay, roll initiative everyone [Lee rolls a 14+21=35; Evan rolls a 17+8=25; Chris rolls a 20+10=30]. All right, as we get to your turn, announce what you’re doing and take your actions. If someone wants to REACT, say so immediately or hold your peace! Lee?
Lee: I’m unarmed and I’m going to Delay my Initiative for now.
Chis: I’m going to use Dark Rage as a swift action, charge, and attack! Hey, the end justifies the means!
Lee: Okay, I’m going to blast him with Force Lightning.
JB: Okay, rolls folks…in order.
Lee: [rolls a 4+21=25 for his Use the Force, exceeding Anakins Reflex defense of 24] Down boy! I spend a Force point to move his condition track an extra -1 step, for a total of -2. [rolls 8D6 damage: 30. This exceeds Damage Threshold of 23] Excuse me, that makes a total condition reduction of -3! Can I use my Quicken Power to hit him with a Force Thrust as a move action, too?
JB: You can only use a maximum of one Force point per round, so no. You CAN spend a Destiny point to use Force Thrust as a Reaction, however…to his charge, I suppose.
Lee: Well, I’ve only got one Destiny point…ah, what the hell. I’d rather eliminate one threat completely.
Chris: Thanks [rolls opposed STR check 11+2=13. Lee rolls 14+21=35, beating Anakin by 22 and knocking him back 5 “squares,” one plus one for each 5 points by which he exceeds the roll]. Crap.
JB: And instant karma strikes the young Padawan…don’t forget to mark down your Dark Side point as you writhe in pain and agony and take [rolls] 3more damage for hitting the ground hard.
Chris: Hey, I’ll spend a Force point as a Reaction to eliminate that Darks Side point. Hey, isn’t it Evan’s turn?
Evan: I’m going to circle around to move into a flanking position, but I’m not attacking...I am fully defensive…as you should have been young padawan.
JB: Okay, everyone roll for initiative [Lee rolls an 18+21=39; Evan rolls a 6+8=14; Chris rolls an 11+10-5=16]. Lee you start again.
Lee: I’m going to use my Presence to intimidate Obi-Wan as a standard action, and I’ll spend a Force point to Quicken Force Lightning as a swift action, really driving home the point of the discussion.
Evan: I’ll react to the Force Lightning by deflecting with my saber!
JB: Okay, okay…one thing at a time! Dooku…do your thing!
Lee (as Dooku): “You can see you’re no match for me…now back down.” [rolls 16+11=29-10 (because Dooku is clearly outnumbered if Anakin will just get off the floor) = 19, not enough to beat Obi-Wan’s Will defense] And…zap! [rolls 12+21=33, easily exceeding Obi-Wan’s Reflex defense] Taste Dark Side!
Evan: I think not [rolls 8+10=18; grimaces]. Wait, I get a re-roll on my Deflect due to Soresu, and this time I’ll spend a Force point [rolls a 15+10+9=34…just barely!].
Lee (*sighs*): Fine. [rolls 4D6 for damage because of the successful Deflection] You still take 13 points of damage.
Evan: THAT I can handle. Give it up Dooku, or we’ll be forced to destroy you! [rolls 7+5=12-5 because Dooku is a higher level than the Jedi]. Pathetic. I seem to recall Obi-Wan couldn’t even persuade Luke to travel to Alderaan with him…
Chris: I’m going to spend a move action and two swift actions to get my Second Wind and recover two-thirds the way towards upping my condition.
JB: Roll initiative guys [Lee gets a 4+21=25, Evan gets 16+8=24, Chris rolls 2+10-5=7]. All right, whathcha’ doing?
Chris: Writhing still, but spending another three swift actions to recover. My condition is now -2 and I’m two-thirds back to -1.
Evan: I’m going to move in and attack, but I’m going to use my full Melee Defense and spend a Force point on my attack roll.
Lee: I draw and activate my lightsaber and move to engage; as a standard action I am going to make a feint to try to set him up for the next turn; as a swift action I am using my lightsaber one-handed with Makashi for the parry bonus.
JB: Got it. Lee start off for Dooku.
Lee: Will do [Lee rolls 12+16=28 for Deception; Evan rolls 12+8=20 for Initiative]. Ha! Obi-Wan you disappoint me! Master Yoda spoke so highly of your saber skills!

Evan: [rolls a 19+8+7 (for Force point) = 34…not enough to break through Count Dooku’s Makashi defense]. Oh, shit. That was a 19! And now I’m flat-footed. I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
JB: Initiative and declarations! [Lee rolls a 1+21=22; Chris rolls 3+8=11; Chris rolls 9+10-2=17]
Evan: [rolls 3+8=11] Ugh…assuming I don’t get killed I’m going to switch to offense and try a Rapid Strike with no melee defense.
Chris: [rolls 9+10-2=17] I’m still recovering; I’ll be back to -1 at the end of the round and one swift action away from full…plus I’m up to 41 hit points.
Lee: [rolls 1+21=22] Yeah, but you were at 41 hit points after that first 2nd wind move action two rounds ago. I’m switching to a two-handed grip and Double Attacking Obi-Wan while his guard’s down. [rolls 4+19-10=13 and 18+19-10=27; notes Obi-Wan’s Reflex defense without DEX and dodge bonuses is 23] I’ll spend a Force point to add to that first attack [rolls 3D6 and gets a 12 increasing the score from 13 to 25; two hits!]. All right, let’s check damage [rolls 2D8+16 for both; gets a 27 and 27]. Another 54 points of damage…I told you to back down!
Evan: Yow! And that drops me to 0 hit points. At least neither blow was over my Damage Threshold; I’m still alive!
Lee: Not for long.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Archetypal, Jedi

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I)
One More Geezer

Qui-Gon Jinn (Episode I)
The Obsession Continues
Sunday, February 21, 2010
"All Too Easy..."

Darth Maul (Episode I)
Did You Ever Wonder...

Down at the Local Game Store...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
And Now...Dooku

Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus (Episode II)