Darth Vader (Episode IV)
Medium Human Scout 1/Jedi 7/Ace Pilot 2/Jedi Knight3/Sith Apprentice 3/Sith Lord 1
Destiny 3 Force 15* Dark Side 15
Languages: Basic, Huttese
*(Strong in Force)
Defenses: Ref 32 For 33 Wil 32
Hps 144 Threshold 32
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 15 CHA 14
Melee: Lightsaber +19 (2d8+13, 2d8+16 two-handed)
Talents: Armored Defense, Block, Dark Side Adept, Deflect, Djem So, Keep It Together, Jury-Rigger, Lightsaber Throw, Redirect Shot, Severing Strike, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Double Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Rapid Strike, Shake It Off, Strong in the Force, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Pistols, Rifles, Simple weapons)
Skills: Endurance +15, Initiative +14, Jump +16, Perception +15, Pilot +14, Mechanics +14, Use the Force +11
Force Powers: Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force Grip, Force Thrust, Move Object, Surge
Force Technique: Force Power Mastery (Dark Rage), Improved Move Light Object
Class Abilities: Fearless, Vehicle Dodge +1, Temptation
Possessions: Lightsaber, Vader armor (as armored flight suit with helmet package and life support), 4 cybernetic limbs, Sith robes, utility belt with med pack
Destiny: to destroy the Emperor and bring balance to the Force.
Darth Vader (Episode V)
Force Technique: Force Power Mastery (Dark Rage), Improved Move Light Object
Possessions: Lightsaber, Vader armor (as armored flight suit with helmet package and life support), 4 cybernetic limbs, Sith robes, utility belt with med pack
Destiny: to destroy the Emperor and bring balance to the Force.
Darth Vader (Episode V)
Medium Human Scout 1/Jedi 7/Ace Pilot 2/Jedi Knight3/Sith Apprentice 3/Sith Lord 2
Destiny 3 Force 15* Dark Side 15
Languages: Basic, Huttese
*(Strong in Force)
Defenses: Ref 33 For 34 Wil 33
Hps 151 Threshold 33
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 15 CHA 14
Melee: Lightsaber +19 (2d8+13, 2d8+16 two-handed)
Talents: Armored Defense, Block, Dark Side Adept, Deflect, Djem So, Keep It Together, Jury-Rigger, Lightsaber Throw, Redirect Shot, Severing Strike, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Double Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Rapid Strike, Shake It Off, Strong in the Force, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Pistols, Rifles, Simple weapons)
Skills: Endurance +16, Initiative +15, Jump +17, Perception +16, Pilot +15, Mechanics +15, Use the Force +12
Force Powers: Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Thrust, Move Object (2), Negate Energy, Surge
Destiny 3 Force 15* Dark Side 15
Languages: Basic, Huttese
*(Strong in Force)
Defenses: Ref 33 For 34 Wil 33
Hps 151 Threshold 33
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 15 CHA 14
Melee: Lightsaber +19 (2d8+13, 2d8+16 two-handed)
Talents: Armored Defense, Block, Dark Side Adept, Deflect, Djem So, Keep It Together, Jury-Rigger, Lightsaber Throw, Redirect Shot, Severing Strike, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Double Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Rapid Strike, Shake It Off, Strong in the Force, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Pistols, Rifles, Simple weapons)
Skills: Endurance +16, Initiative +15, Jump +17, Perception +16, Pilot +15, Mechanics +15, Use the Force +12
Force Powers: Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Thrust, Move Object (2), Negate Energy, Surge
Force Technique: Force Power Mastery (Dark Rage), Improved Move Light Object
Force Secret: Distant Power
Class Abilities: Fearless, Vehicle Dodge +1, Temptation
Possessions: Lightsaber, Vader armor (as armored flight suit with helmet package and life support), 4 cybernetic limbs, Sith robes, utility belt with med pack
Destiny: to destroy the Emperor and bring balance to the Force.
Possessions: Lightsaber, Vader armor (as armored flight suit with helmet package and life support), 4 cybernetic limbs, Sith robes, utility belt with med pack
Destiny: to destroy the Emperor and bring balance to the Force.
Darth Vader (Episode VI)
Force Technique: Force Power Mastery (Dark Rage), Improved Move Light Object
Medium Human Scout 1/Jedi 7/Ace Pilot 2/Jedi Knight3/Sith Apprentice 3/Sith Lord 3
Destiny 3 Force 15* Dark Side 15
Languages: Basic, Huttese
*(Strong in Force)
Defenses: Ref 34 For 35 Wil 34
Hps 159 Threshold 34
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 15 CHA 14
Melee: Lightsaber +19 (2d8+13, 2d8+16 two-handed)
Talents: Armored Defense, Block, Dark Side Adept, Deflect, Djem So, Keep It Together, Jury-Rigger, Lightsaber Throw, Redirect Shot, Severing Strike, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Double Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Rapid Strike, Shake It Off, Strong in the Force, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Pistols, Rifles, Simple weapons)
Skills: Endurance +16, Initiative +15, Jump +17, Perception +16, Pilot +15, Mechanics +15, Use the Force +12
Force Powers: Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Thrust, Move Object (2), Negate Energy, Surge
Destiny 3 Force 15* Dark Side 15
Languages: Basic, Huttese
*(Strong in Force)
Defenses: Ref 34 For 35 Wil 34
Hps 159 Threshold 34
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 15 CHA 14
Melee: Lightsaber +19 (2d8+13, 2d8+16 two-handed)
Talents: Armored Defense, Block, Dark Side Adept, Deflect, Djem So, Keep It Together, Jury-Rigger, Lightsaber Throw, Redirect Shot, Severing Strike, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Double Attack, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Rapid Strike, Shake It Off, Strong in the Force, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Pistols, Rifles, Simple weapons)
Skills: Endurance +16, Initiative +15, Jump +17, Perception +16, Pilot +15, Mechanics +15, Use the Force +12
Force Powers: Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Thrust, Move Object (2), Negate Energy, Surge
Force Technique: Force Power Mastery (Dark Rage), Improved Move Light Object
Force Secret: Devastating Power, Distant Power
Class Abilities: Fearless, Vehicle Dodge +1, Temptation
Possessions: Lightsaber, Vader armor (as armored flight suit with helmet package and life support), 4 cybernetic limbs, Sith robes, utility belt with med pack
Destiny: to destroy the Emperor and bring balance to the Force.
Possessions: Lightsaber, Vader armor (as armored flight suit with helmet package and life support), 4 cybernetic limbs, Sith robes, utility belt with med pack
Destiny: to destroy the Emperor and bring balance to the Force.
***NOTE: Certain character options, specifically Force Techniques and Force Secrets state "once selected, they may not be changed." No such stipulation is made regarding other presumed permanent character options like Talents, Feats, Skills, and Force Powers. I cannot find a section of the rules that addresses changing these options, so I have not done so. However, if available as an option I would have replaced Vader's Dual Weapon Mastery feat with Skill Focus (Use the Force) to off-set the penalties from his cybernetic limbs...and probably replace Rapid Strike with Power Attack. With such abilities (especially his Dark Rage mastery), Vader becomes an even more frightening combatant than he already is: a lumbering behemoth of rage and angst. Coupled with some GM fiat with regard to ability scores (the core rulebook's listing has the wheezy, middle-aged cripple with a Constitution of 17!) and Vader would be a real monster...however, I think this guy is plenty tough (while still defeatable by a Luke Skywalker playing out of his mind). Interestingly, both WotC and myself start His Royal Badness with a Destiny of 3 by Episode IV. That's the problem with fulfilling a Destiny...use lose all the points you've accumulated.***
Are you just doing this as an exercise to see how long it takes before someone sends you a legal notice to take down all the copyrighted material you're posting to a public forum?
ReplyDeleteAh, okay, I see what you're doing, never mind. I was thinking you were just going through and copying their statlines from the books, not re-inventing them.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I can't help but notice how long these stat blocks are. Love d20.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I never thought of Vader as changing much between 4 and 6. The story really didn't center on him, and he spent all his time organizing and strangling underlings (no XP in 3E for them because they're too low level).
But the changes from 1-2 were enormous (he wasn't a stupid-ass irritating kid for one thing). And from 3-4 (he got the armor and cyber, and stopped being a whinging teenage punk).
I'd actually want him to look more like this (at the start of the given episode):
Ep. Vader Luke
1 1 X
2 7 X
3 8 X
4 14 1
5 14 5
6 14 9
Of course, we must assume that the DM gave full XP for every contractor and droid on the Death Star when it blew up in 4. And that the XP was divided evenly among all the crews of the ships and the ground forces involved in the battle, so Luke got basically nothing.
Note that Luke was pretty much losing the entire time against Vader. He won by appealing to him (Bluff?) and it was Vader who did the Grapple + Throw on the Emperor.
I just nerded out more than I wanted, but oh well.
(Also, excuse the formatting that will go wrong with my little table)
@ Badelaire: Yeah, I'm NOT copying the character stats from the book...I wouldn't want to encourage anyone to use those!
ReplyDelete@ D30: You big nerd!
(says the guy writing up Star Wars stats)
Check out today's new post about XP/advancement in the game. I agree that there's not much change between 4 and 6 for Vader, but I am a vet of the WEG sourcebooks and I agreed with them that Vader had SOME changes between the latter episodes. He's a bit more badass, IMO.
There's no Bluff in the game thank God!
: )