Friday, April 30, 2010

Wow...Another Milestone Passed

Just got up this morning (well, actually, the beagles got me up...I'm going back to bed in 5 minutes), and saw that my blog now has 101 followers. Wow.

Not bad considering I don't game with porn stars or anything too exciting.
; )

Considering I've "lost a couple" of readers over the last seven months this thing has been active (yes, they let me know about it, too!) I'm surprised and pleased so many enjoy my meandering ramblings and scattered gaming thoughts.

Thanks, folks. I hope to keep this going for awhile and hopefully I'll be able to entertain you a bit while doing so.

Have a great Friday, folks! Prost!
: )


  1. Congratulations on 101.
    I still have a Loooong way to go before 100

  2. My Google Reader says you have 175 RSS subscribers which may or may not overlap with the 101 followers seen here.

  3. Don't sell yourself short. You have a cool blog here and i like to read it. I assume that the other 100 feel the same way.

  4. don't game with porn stars? How do I unsubscribe...
