Thursday, September 5, 2024


No apologies. Just been busy.

Some fifteen years ago, I introduced two kids...Zach and the D&D game. The children of our good friends, we refer to them as our "nephews" (they call us Uncle and Aunt), and we've been taking care of them/hosting them since they were little. Spencer, at age 4, was the ring bearer at our wedding in Mexico.

Well, it's been a long time since they were "little." Zach is 30 and 6'5", a former power lifter/body builder, he now resides in Virginia where he's working on his doctorate in organic chemistry. Younger brother Spencer (age 27) is a 6'1", 230# rock climber and professional chef, who's worked in some of New York City's best restaurants...he's come a long way since the last time I saw him (when he just heading off to culinary school).

But the kid is still our "first baby," despite the tattoos and the earrings and the fact that I only come up to the guy's chest. He's in town till September 11th, after which he's flying out to Madrid for a while before moving to Australia (for 2025), and he wanted to get together with us. And so we made it happen over the Labor Day weekend (not like we had anything else planned besides a three day soccer tournament for Diego). And wouldn't you know it, but the kid is still a big nerd who was absolutely Jonesin' for some hardcore Dungeons & Dragons. I guess there isn't much D&D in the East Coast culinary scene (not that they have any time with 80 hour work weeks...ah, to be 27 again!).

So, Spence and I had a long discussion on Saturday (while sitting on the sidelines pre-soccer match). Discussed why his few forays into "modern D&D" had been unsatisfying. Explained why my version of D&D is different. Gave a brief history of the game's evolution, including why I write/sell the books I do. I didn't bother explaining to him the OSR or "CAG" or any of that rigamarole...just kept it simple, by explaining the difference between playing the game as a game and playing the game as scripted television for a YouTube camera (which he has watched, with both consternation and disgust).

THEN I explained to him that I'm running AD&D these days, unlike the B/X that I taught him and his brother all those years ago, and why and some of that edition's differences. Oh, boy was he down to play 1E!

So we did. Kids' first day of school was yesterday, but it was only a half day. Spence came over a little after noonish, and we just played solid AD&D till 5pm (when I had to take Sofia to soccer practice...I'm co-coaching the 5th graders again). He and my wife (along with Diego) whipped up a magnificent carbonara, and we had Spencer's parents over for a little wine and festivity, just like old times. We even had "dueling desserts" (I made my blackberry cobbler, he came with a raspberry crumble...I think mine turned out better, but..well, I'm eating the remains of his dessert as I type this).

Just about as flawless a day as I could ask for.

Fifteen years, I've been writing this blog. Twenty-five or so years since the first time I met Spencer. Time flies. I've written that so many times over the years,  it feels ridiculous to be jotting it down again. But it's so worth emphasizing. The years pass by quicker and quicker, especially when we're busy. And as I get older, and I see more time stretching behind me than in front of me, it's hard (for me) not to feel whimsical or melancholic. It's hard. Damn hard. Which leads me to try to stay busy (so I don't dwell on it)...which, of course, leads the time to flit by all the faster.  

I am enjoying my life, however (the vast majority of it for certain). 

Our game session was great, just by the way. We all had a blast, especially Spen. The adventure is, as yet, unresolved (we're still playing Dragon Wrack) so we might try to get together one more time before he hops his plane. I know he would like to do so, but it's a matter of making all the schedules work (four soccer games plus the Seahawks playing their home opener this weekend...and my kids are running cross country this fall, too). We'll see what happens. But at least he got to play again...this time as an adult...and saw that it's not all "nostalgia" in his head. The game is fun, the game works, the game can be played for a lifetime. It makes me so happy to have been able to show that to him.

And to my kids,'s not just Old Man Pops who is into this D&D stuff. Cool "Cousin Spencer" digs it, too.


I will, perhaps (hopefully), write about the particulars of the session in a separate blog post. A lot of fun, memorable moments (aren't there always?), but it's just war stories. The playing is the important bit. The ramped up tension. The excitement. The terror. The fun. A lot of (imaginary) treasure gathered; a lot of (imaginary) blood spilled. The usual. But, sure, I might blog about it...just to have a record of it, to look back on fondly in another dozen years or so.

One last thing: I did (briefly) mention the Cauldron convention to Spencer. Oh, man, was he intrigued. As I said, he'll be in Australia next year...which is the next year I plan on trying to get back. But 2026 or '27? Yeah, he's totally down. We'll be making it a twosome, if he can get the time off work. Hell, maybe even a threesome...I'm not sure sixteen year old Diego will be ready for such an excursion, but I know he wants to go.  Good times.
; )