"You making fun of
my beard, or my ears?" |
Half-Elves -- are nearly as tall as humans, and exhibit the same human range of skin color, but are slighter in build. Like elves, they have infravision and an increased ability to spot secret doors, and usually speak both Elvish and Common speech, in addition to any languages due to intelligence. Their mixed ancestry makes them natural diplomats and they are generally charming and well-liked by all who meet them (+1 to reaction rolls). While they cannot mix fighting and magic as elves, they have a good range of classes in which they may progress, being barred only from the paladin, illusionist, assassin, and monk subclasses. Despite their name, half-elves may have as little as 25% ancestry (from either side) and still possess the attributes of a "half-elf."
the long awaited Holmesian half-elf. I've only got a couple more of these pre-scheduled posts...then I'll have to start writing again. If I can (holidays, ya' know?)]
When you say half elf...why restrict this to elf-human?
ReplyDeletePlague elf: as a human - elf hybrid they are a bridge for diseases and places jumping from one species to another.
Midden elf: cropping up in times of war, this orc-elf hybrid is often disposed of at birth.
Bog Elf: this mixing of troll and elf is considered rumour...and nothing more.
It really depends on your setting. Even the default AD&D setting presumes orcs can interbreed with anything (except elves...strange considering that Tolkien's orcs are corrupted elves...) but only the human-orc hybrids are worth mentioning as a player character race.
ReplyDeleteGygax (and Holmes) famously suggested that anything might be used as a PC race or class, so long as it was approved by the DM and started at a (reasonably) low level.