Just got back into town from a short vacation. Started writing two (three?) looong posts while I was gone, but abandoned all of them because...well, because I lost interest in my own thoughts (or the directions they were trending).
So rather than that...or writing an apology post to Ukraine on behalf of my country (which is what I've really wanted to do the last couple/few days)...I've decided to try something different.
From time to time, I get notifications of various reddit posts in my email box. I don't know why...I don't post or respond on reddit (I don't think I have a reddit account), and I don't even spend time there, and the notifications are on a variety of subjects. Probably I accidentally signed up for some mailing list or other, once upon a time...who knows? Anyway, occasionally, the subject line piques my interest and I'll check it out and even bother to read the comments. Generally a complete waste of my time, but then again, so is playing Tetris or any other stupid game app on my phone.
SO, since I've been so lax about posting lately, I am going to do something silly to fill space. I am going to pretend this most recent Reddit poster wrote to ME, specifically...as if I was some sort of Dear Abby for people seeking DM advice. I'm not going to post this on reddit (as I said, I don't do that anyway), so chances are the original poster will never get my answer. But perhaps this will prove an amusing exercise for me.
Besides, I'm still kind of on "vacation time."
; )
Okay, here goes:
Dear JB:So I run a pretty relaxed Homebrew , and we've recently had a new player who demands he should be able to cast spells in his wild shapes form, and thinks he should be able to turn into any creature, monster, beast... and I've been been really polite about it . Saying things like " That's just too broken. You gotta be balanced some how." Etc... and I don't necessarily wanna kick him from the campaign because he brings a fun energy every week. But I don't know how to get it through his head it's not gonna happen.I'm Struggling
Hey Struggling:
Mm. While it would be easy to simply point out that the new player is an asshole and your gaming table would be better off without him, the fact is that there are TWO assholes in the situation you describe...and the other one is YOU.
There is no reason to be polite to this individual or humor him or attempt to reason with him. That you waste your group's time engaging with this disruptive behavior shows that what you're really struggling with is taking the reins of your own authority. YOU ARE THE DUNGEON MASTER. Do you not understand what this means? Do you not understand your own role and responsibility to the game you're running?
If you invited a player over to your home for a table game like, say, Monopoly and he insisted on re-rolling his dice, or giving himself an extra $200 out of the bank every time he made it past the Free Parking corner, or any other type of action that isn't part of the rules of the game, what would be your reaction? What would be the reaction of the other players at the table who had been playing by the rules? Would you tolerate this just because the d-bag brings "a fun energy?" If you invited him to play poker and he wanted to discard and draw multiple times because he didn't like the first set of cards he received, would you stand for that because he's "fun?"
As the Dungeon Master, you are responsible for being the arbiter of the game rules (whether those rules are RAW or "homebrew"). That's the job. And it's an important one! Because without rules, the game ceases to be a game, and becomes just a conversation of "let's pretend" around the table. That might be an enjoyable activity for some folks, but it's NOT Dungeons & Dragons.
So, Struggling, it's time you decide what exactly you plan on doing with your game night. If you're there to play a game, you need to buck up and lay down the law for this asshole. Stop being a wuss...it's not fair to your other players, it's not fair to your game, and it's not fair to you. Hell, it's not even fair to the new guy, who you are enabling and teaching that it's okay for him to wheedle and manipulate.
Do everyone a favor, Struggling, and grow the hell up.