Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th of July

Summer business (busy-ness) has officially landed. This year, in addition to all the usual stuff (kids, soccer tournaments, road trips, etc.) I'm dealing with all the 'stuff' of my deceased mother's estate. 

It's...a lot. Just the logistics of it all.

And cleaning out my mom's house has resulted in us cleaning out our own house. Split the kids into separate bedrooms. Converting the toy room into the new guest bedroom. Organizing the junk-filled garage. Again...it's a lot.

SO...that's why I'm not posting (in case folks are wondering). "Pickle ball camp" starts tomorrow (in friggin' Mercer Island) and I have been tasked with driving the carpool. I will be making a lot of phone calls to various banks and creditors while the kids are learning how to bat a whiffle ball with a ping-pong paddle. 


Probably should grill today. And mow the lawn. D&D is going to have to wait a bit.

Happy 4th, folks. Hope y'all are having a good one!
: )

1 comment:

  1. I've moved three time in the past 5 years so that helps keep the clutter down, but I still have way too much stuff.

    I'm in the un packing process from the latest move and bound and determined to purge more.
