Monday, October 3, 2011


...from another tough football Sunday. The Seahawks playing better doesn't do anything to remove the sting of a two point loss at home. At home, dammit! I don't care how great the other team...and the Falcons aren't nearly that great.

Meanwhile, ex-Seahawks rang up 28 points for the Tennessee Titans on the road against a Browns team that had been showing some signs of promise. It's funny that so far this season, the Titans have been the featured AFC broadcast every single least in Seattle. It's almost as if the networks had an idea we were interested in following the team from Nashville. Hmmmm...

Things I'm doing, to take my mind off the 'Hawks change of fortunes:
  • Finally getting back to my reading of MZB's Darkover series. There really is great stuff in these books; many campaign ideas to mine.
  • Considering which of several reviews I need to write first this week: I've got two free RPGs off the net, one purchased RPG, and one novel that I need to write about. I may just talk about the RPGs in the context of my recent series on game objectives. Or not. Maybe I'll just try to be positive instead.
  • Re-watching Terra Nova (On Demand) as I type, and thinking this is so much better than Avatar. Unfortunately, it's still a little too "easily-digestible" in content for my taste. Too "family friendly." Not that I object to the main characters being a family, mind you...a film or TV series can still be gritty and hard-edged, even without featuring the hard-boiled protagonist with zero relationships/family ties.
You know, THAT's an interesting game idea to tinker with, come to think of it...there's not enough family drama in RPGs. I mean, Edwards addresses some of this in his Sex and Sorcerer supplement, but a game that actually incorporates a family dynamic as a major part of game set-up and -play? Maybe something like the old Space Family Robinson?

Eh...I'm getting goofy. I better hit the hay; I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow. And without the high one gets when their favorite team wins on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. .there's not enough family drama in RPGs.

    Pendragon incorporates this to an extent -- although probably not to the extent you're talking about -- not only in the generational aspect of play, with characters being replaced by their offspring and so on, but also with the random events in the winter phase; I still have fond memories of my kinight's aunt being caught stealing cattle and having to languish in jail until we could go and get her!
