Anakin Skywalker (Episode II)
Medium Human Scout 1/Jedi 6/Ace Pilot 1
Destiny 8 Force 10* Dark Side 0
Languages: Basic, Huttese
*(Strong in Force)
Defenses: Ref 23 For 22 Wil 19
Hps 77 Threshold 22
STR 15 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 11 CHA 12
Melee: Lightsaber +9 (2d8+6, 2d8+8 two-handed)
Talents: Block, Deflect, Jury-Rigger, Keep It Together, Redirect Shot
Feats: Dual Weapon Mastery I, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Shake It Off, Strong in the Force, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Pistols, Rifles, Simple weapons)
Skills: Endurance +11, Initiative +10, Jump +11, Perception +9, Pilot +10, Mechanics +10, Use the Force +10
Force Powers: Farseeing
Possessions: Lightsaber, jedi robe, padawan braid, clubbing outfit
Destiny: to become a Jedi and return to Tatooine to rescue his mother
***NOTE: Prior to the battle on Geonosis, Anakin fulfills his destiny, gains a few Darkside points and possibly gains another level; these abilities are for the beginning of the film. Also, note he only has the equivalent of 6 "Heroic levels" and is unable to construct a lightsaber at this time. Also note, Anakin's Use the Force skill (gained due to a retroactive increase in Intelligence) gives him the ability to Move Light Objects, duplicating many of his actions in the film***
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